Because there is no way to know in advance
which forest sample will lead to a cancer drug or
AIDS vaccine, most countries treat all research as
potentially profitable. In some countries,
investigators must negotiate with several levels of
government. “The very people who are most able
to get out there and discover and describe and
quantify biodiversity are being impeded from
doing it. Everyone struggles with the paradox of
it,” says Columbia University economic botanist
Brian M. Boom.
which forest sample will lead to a cancer drug or
AIDS vaccine, most countries treat all research as
potentially profitable. In some countries,
investigators must negotiate with several levels of
government. “The very people who are most able
to get out there and discover and describe and
quantify biodiversity are being impeded from
doing it. Everyone struggles with the paradox of
it,” says Columbia University economic botanist
Brian M. Boom.
(Adapted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Dec. 2003, p.18)
QUESTÃO 19The paradox mentioned in the text is:
A) there is no way to know in advance which
sample will be good.
B) all research is potentially profitable.
C) investigators must negotiate with the
D) cancer drugs and AIDS vaccines.
E) people who are qualified are being impeded
to work.
According to the text:
I) It is impossible to know beforehand which
sample will lead to a drug or vaccine.
II) Investigators must negotiate with many
levels of government everywhere.
III) Not many countries treat all research as
potentially profitable.
IV) Mr.Boom can see the paradox.
A) T – T – F – T
B) T – F – F – T
C) T – T – T – F
D) F – T – F – T
Fonte: Vestibular
Cefet – 2005
19. E; 20. B
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